Wyndham House Privacy Policy

Last Updated: July 29, 2024

Who We Are

This is the Privacy Policy of Wyndham House Youth Services. This Privacy Policy details how we collect, use, share and protect personal information in connection with the services we offer through our websites, programs, and sites.

What is Personal Information?

Personal Information is information or an opinion that can be used to reasonably identify an individual. Personal Information includes information that you provide to us voluntarily, information we automatically collect when you visit our Sites, and information collected when you are referred to our Programs.

Certain information is excluded from this definition, such as specific business contact information, or information that has been made anonymous or has been permanently de-identified, which means that we cannot identify you.

What We Collect and How We Collect It?

In administering services, we collect certain information from you. You may voluntarily provide us with information, or we may automatically collect certain information via circle of care health provisions.


We collect and use Personal Information as necessary to process donations and payments, issue tax receipts, acknowledge donations, confirm the renewal of ongoing donations, keep you informed, and maintain a donation history.

Further to this, certain information will be processed to comply with federal and provincial legislation and reporting requirements.

Donations made to Wyndham House will be used for the area of greatest need.

Why Are We Processing Your Personal Information?

We use your Personal Information to provide you with our Programs and operate our Sites. For example, we may use your information to:

  • Deliver services and features through our Programs
  • Facilitate and process donations you choose to make
  • Measure and understand the effectiveness of content on our Sites and our Programs so that we can understand where we can have a greater impact on the community
  • Keep our Sites and Programs secure and safe
  • Comply with our legal or regulatory obligations.

We will only use your Personal Information for purposes described in this Privacy Policy or for purposes that we informed you of at the time of collecting your information. If we intend to use or disclose your Personal Information for a new purpose, we will ask you for your consent first, unless we are otherwise permitted by law or court order.

Who Do We Share Your Personal Information With?

We limit who we share your Personal Information with and how much information we disclose.

We may disclose your Personal Information under certain circumstances. These circumstances include:

  • Service Providers in order to deliver the Programs and Sites to you. These providers offer solutions for hosting, marketing, payment processing, and other business critical operations. They are contractually required to comply with our privacy requirements and standards, ensuring that your Personal Information is protected and remains confidential.
  • Third Parties to administer our Programs such as the Peer Support Canada program, where we may share your Personal Information with a mentor. This may also include third parties that you request we share your Personal Information with and provide us with your consent to do so.
  • Authorities such as law enforcement or competent courts, when it is necessary, or we are compelled to do so. This may include instances where there is a serious risk of harm to you or others, and/or where we have to take legal action to protect our or third-party rights.

How Is Your Personal Information Protected?

We have technical, administrative, and physical safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of your Personal Information. These include safeguards such as ensuring our staff sign confidentiality agreements, limiting access to our facilities, and granting access to information based on a need-to-know basis. We review and update our safeguards regularly to ensure your Personal Information is protected.

It is important to note that no computer system or online communication is perfectly secure.  We encourage you to take appropriate steps to protect your information, including not sharing with us more information than is necessary.

What Are Your Rights?

You have the right to access and correct the Personal Information you provide to us. Simply send us a request for information form on our website, beofore granting you access to your Personal Information, we may need to authenticate you. Please note there may be exceptional circumstances, per law, that we will be unable to grant you access or correct your information. If this is the case, we will inform you and provide you with a reason why we cannot fulfill your request.

While you may update your information, it is your duty to ensure you provide us with accurate and up-to-date information so that we can correctly provide you with Programs and content.

At any time, you may also withdraw your consent to have your Personal Information processed. To withdraw your consent, you can send us a written request to via a request for information form, if you are residing within our programs you can reach out to the site manager to revoke consent directly.

Have a Request for Information? Fill out the following form. 

Request for Information Form