For more than 40 years Wyndham House has opened its doors to thousands of youth in Guelph and Wellington.

If you are in a situation where you need a place to stay for one night or for much longer, Wyndham House is there to help.

What is Wyndham House?

Wyndham House is an organization that provides young people 16 to 25 with the supports and services needed to overcome challenging times and difficult problems. Wyndham House has a combination of long term and short term residential beds available.

If you don’t need a place to stay but are looking for other supports and services you are welcome to come to our Youth Resource Centre.

The Youth Resource Centre can help you with things such as: getting or replacing I.D.; bus tickets; help with High School registration; transportation to the Food Bank; access to a Nurse Practitioner; food and coffee daily; as well as get you hooked up with a place to shower and/or get your laundry done if you need it.

What are the facilities like?

We have 3 buildings that offer residential programs. All are unique and offer a sense of warmth the minute you walk in the door. Staff are on-site in the programs 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to help you.
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Long Term Residences

  • Some single rooms, some double rooms
  • Shared Kitchen, washrooms, and common spaces
  • Telephone
  • Laundry facilities (no charge)

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Shelter (Opens daily at 4pm)

  • 4 people per room
  • Shared washrooms, common areas and dining area
  • Breakfast and dinner provided on site, optional bagged lunch
  • Weekly health clinic with Nurse Practitioner on site
  • Laundry facilities on site
  • Evening optional programming available


Who lives at Wyndham House?

Youth from all backgrounds are staying with us. Some are self-referred, some learn about us from friends and some are referred to us by community social services agencies, school guidance counsellors or local health care facilities. Your unique situation and circumstances determine which program option is best for your needs.

Some things to know…

  • Should be between 16 and 25 years of age
  • You need housing support
  • You are willing to make a commitment to actively participate with staff in setting some goals and working towards them.

How does one become a resident at Wyndham House?

Your unique needs and circumstances will determine which program (long or short term) will be best for you.

What is it like living at Wyndham House?

Wyndham House is a non-judgmental place that welcomes youth from all backgrounds. It is also a voluntary program.